About Vision Nicaragua

Vision Nicaragua is a non-denominational Christian organization that started in 1998 in response to Nicaragua being hit by Hurricane Mitch.

Because of the economy, finding jobs in Nicaragua can be difficult. This forces Nicaraguians to work in the sugar cane and banana plantations. Deadly herbicides are used in the fields which, upon exposure, will cause chronic kidney failure. Once they have this disease, they are sent home from the plantation with little to no means of help from their employer. Needless to say, this has caused wives to lose their husbands and children to lose their dads very early on in life.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Vision Nicaragua has been helping stop this cycle. Through the Vision Nicaragua school scholarships, food distribution, rural medical outreaches, and we work to address the emotional and spiritual needs of the families. These areas allow the Vision Nicaragua Team to share their personal journey, which includes our love for Jesus Christ. Vision Nicaragua at its core is about building relationships where the love of Jesus Christ can be shared.

Meeting people right where they are and bringing hope where they need it most.